‘Blogroll’ CategoryPage 6

Spamassassin 3.02

Spamassassin 3.02 was released last month. Not much new in there but in an attempt to always run the latest and greatest stable spamassassin code, I have upgraded a test server and am using it on my account. If all goes well, I will upgrade the rest of the servers to the newest version soon.

Charter blocking port 25

This is only a rumor, but I heard that last week Charted started blocking port 25 for home users on their Cable internet service in Mankato. This will probably cause a few problems for our users but there are ways of working around it securely. So all in all, this is a good thing.

Campus Network Outage

FYI, in case you didn’t notice, at about 10:35am today our core network router rebooted. That caused all network traffic on our network to temporarily stop flowing.

FireFox 1.0

In case you missed it, Firefox 1.0 was released today. You can get it locally here: For Windows users: http://homepages.gac.edu/~doachs/downloads/Firefox%20Setup%201.0.exe For Mac users: http://homepages.gac.edu/~doachs/downloads/Firefox%201.0.dmg.gz For Linux users: http://homepages.gac.edu/~doachs/downloads/firefox-1.0.installer.tar.gz If you are unfamiliar with Firefox, see the following links for more information. Basically it is a really nice web browser built from Mozilla. http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ http://news.com.com/Mozilla+releases+Firefox+1.0/2100-1032_3-5443931.html?tag=nefd.lede http://news.google.com/?hl=en&ncl=http://www.vnunet.com/news/1159275

Email Certificates

I had a couple of requests last night about how to get a certificate for use with email such that you can digitally sign messages and send encrypted email. For the past few years I have been using a free personal email certificate from thawte. For more information take a look at Thawte’s personal email […]


Outdoor wireless coverage on campus should have increased significantly yesterday with the addition of another high powered wireless access point on the roof of Pittman Hall. That increases the number of these units to 3. One on Norelius, one on International, and one on Pittman. Now you can probably stroll all the way down hello […]

Dell Fixed It!

So I guess maybe Dell was listening to my recent post about their DNS problem It looks like that address now resolves to a different IP address that actually responds. Thanks Dell, but it took long enough 🙂


There are a lot of ways you can improve SpamAssassin. One of the best things you can do is to train it. That way it will learn what is spam for you and what is not. To train SpamAssassin, you first need to ssh (or telnet ) to a machine with SpamAssassin on it. Either […]


Well, here are my plans. I would like this page to become a daily or weekly web log where I post information about what is going on here in the Info Tech department at Gustavus. Hopefully this isn’t just another page that gets stale after the first or second post. So if you are reading […]