Server Room Meltdown Posted on April 19th, 2006 by

Some time early this morning the air conditioning for the server room in Olin stopped working. As a result the temperature in the server room got high enough for at least one server to stop working. It must have been close to or slightly over 100 degrees F in there.

At this time physical plant is working on it and there is no estimate on when it will be working again. In an attempt to keep the temperature reasonable, we have shut off many of our non critical servers. As a result some of our normal services will not be available until we can get the room cooled down again.

UPDATE: At about 11:00pm the air conditioning was fixed and the server room began its return to a normal temp.  According to one of the people repairing it, a fan on the roof that is used for cooling broke which triggered some other things to shutdown which eventually led to the air conditioner pumping out just warm air in the server room.


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