Category: Blogroll
Server Room
As we are getting closer and closer to the date when we will be moving all of our servers from their old racks to their shiny new racks, we thought it was time to open up the windows and let everyone see what we are up to. So, if you are so inclined, you can…
Mailserver Changes
To do our best to keep off the email block lists, all email that is sent on campus to other on campus addresses, and off campus addresses are now being routed through our virus filter before getting delivered. This should make it very difficult for us to actually send a virus via email. This has…
This past weekend Gustavus Adolphus College was added to the list of schools on Since then I have noticed some interesting facts. A site like Thefacebook is very disruptive. As far as I can tell, it is the hottest website on campus right now. People in the computer labs, student workers computers, and just…
Webserver downtime
Our mail website was not functioning for a few minutes this morning because it could not contact its database backend. Turns out a loose network cable was the culprit. Guess that is just one more reason why we are rebuilding the server room this summer and cleaning it up a bit.
Firefox and Thunderbird updates
As some of you probably already know, there are new updates to Firefox (web browser) and Thunderbird (email client) that fix serious security issues. I encourage anyone using a version older than 1.0.2 to upgrade. Firefox version 1.0.2 can be found here: Thunderbird version 1.0.2 can be found here: Hopefully they are cached…
Pat Francek Leaving GAC
Well, yesterday morning I got the official word that Pat was leaving Gustavus to pursue another position up in the cities. I wish him best of luck and that he will definately be missed here. I worked for him a number of years ago, and it was always fun. I also believe that without him…
Webalizer spam
This is probably something others have already noticed years ago, but I just came across it this week. For a year or so now we have been keeping statistics on some of our web servers by using the popular Webalizer software. You can usually view a sites stats by adding /usage at the end of…
Norelius and Complex at a gig too
Norelius and Complex (North, Gibbs, and Sorensen) also just had their collective network connection to Olin increased from 100Mbit to 1000Gbit. File transfers and possibly on campus gaming should improve as a result. Unfortunately that does not mean the internet will be any faster. Though we did finally sign a contract that should double our…
Horde Imp and Spamassassin
Unfortunately it looks like Horde’s Imp webmail system and SpamAssassin don’t agree on how to deal with dynamic ip addresses sending email. If you connect to a webmail system running running Imp and send a message using your home web browser on a cable modem connection, that ip address gets loged in the headers of…
Gibbs, Sorensen, North
Gibbs, Sorensen, and North were down for about 3 hours from 5:15pm to 8:15pm due to a strange network problem. Some device in one of those dorms caused almost all of our network traffic on the res hall subnet to be very slow.