Category: Webmail

  • Horde Imp and Spamassassin

    Unfortunately it looks like Horde’s Imp webmail system and SpamAssassin don’t agree on how to deal with dynamic ip addresses sending email. If you connect to a webmail system running running Imp and send a message using your home web browser on a cable modem connection, that ip address gets loged in the headers of…

  • Webmail prefs change

    I have made a minor change to the default preferences for Webmail. Now the first time you log into webmail on or after the 1st of a month, you will get a screen that asks you if you want to perform maintenance on your account and then there are check boxes for a few things.…

  • Webmail

    As anyone who has used lately knows, it has been slow. Especially during peak usage times (10:00am-10:30am). I think that I have found the reason things were running so slowly. The database that holds user preferences was slowing everything down. The webmail software (Horde) was making too may queries, and more importantly, too many…

  • Webmail

    To help address everyones need to have access to their data wherever they are, we have begun playing with a different webmail (and much more) application called Horde ( Some of you may already have heard of it or have used it elsewhere. The webmail piece, called IMP, is a really nice web interface to…