Category: TimeLapse

  • 2019 Commencement Time Lapse Video

    June 1, 2019 was a beautiful day to hold the commencement ceremony outside.  To get a peek at all that goes on during this event, take a look at this time lapse video where we compressed the entire day down into a one minute video.

  • 2018 Commencement Time Lapse Video

    Congratulations class of 2018!  Commencement is over and you are on to whatever comes next.  Unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate this year and commencement was held indoors for the first time since 2014.  But don’t worry, there is a camera in the arena that we used to create a time lapse video of the indoor…

  • C in CC Streaming Stats and Bonus Time Lapse Video

      So just how many people watched the first ever live stream of Christmas in Christ Chapel this year?  Well, that is a tough question to answer.  It seems like that should be a pretty straight forward and simple answer.  Just count up the number of requests for the video file from our systems logs…

  • 2012 Commencement Time Lapse

    Want to watch the 2012 Gustavus Commencement ceremony but don’t have 3 hours to spare?  Here you can watch the entire day compressed down to just over 1 minute. This video was created from a series of images captured by the webcam which lives in the stadium press box and provides a view of the…

  • 3 Year Time Lapse Video of Perry

    Ever since we first heard about the possibility of a Titan Arum ( corpse flower a.k.a Amorphophallus titanum) blooming in the greenhouse we have been saving photos of Perry and documenting the growth.  Now that Perry has bloomed again I thought it was about time to create a time lapse video showing the amazing changes…

  • 2010 Commencement Time-Lapse and GigaPan Image

    View the time-lapse video and gigapan images of the 2010 Gustavus Adolphus College commencement ceremony.

  • Spring Arrives at Gustavus

    Just like that, spring arrived over the weekend.

  • 2009 Nobel Conference Time Lapse

    Well, it is the beginning of October here at Gustavus Adophus College and that means it is Nobel Conference time. Just like last year, we took images of the entire conference from one of our webcams and combined them into a single time lapse video. Watch the video. For those who are interested, I have…

  • Commencement 2009 Time-lapse

    As per the tradition started a few years ago by Matt Dobosenski, this years Commencement ceremony held on Sunday, May 31st 2009 was captured by time-lapse. If your computer can handle it, take a look at our highest quality video stream. If that version is too much for your computer to handle, there is a…

  • Time-lapse of Ice Rink Replacement

    Ice Rink Time-lapse This is a time-lapse video of the Don Roberts ice rink going from the final stages of the 2008 Nobel Conference to the newly repaired ice rink. Earlier this year the cooling system failed and had to be replaced. In this video you can see the removal of the old cooling system…