Old Main building at Gustavus Adolphus College during sunrise.

Latest Stories

  • Wireless

    Outdoor wireless coverage on campus should have increased significantly yesterday with the addition of another high powered wireless access point on the roof of Pittman…

  • Spamassassin update

    Just in case anyone cares, I have updated our spam checking software (spamassassin) to the most recent version, 2.64. So far on my account it…

  • Wireless Changes

    For those of you who regularly use a wireless laptop or some other wireless device on campus, you may have noticed that we have lots…

  • Email Delay

    At around 11:00pm last night our mailserver stopped delivering email. It was still accepting messages and storing them to be delivered later. I restarted that…

  • Webmail

    To help address everyones need to have access to their data wherever they are, we have begun playing with a different webmail (and much more)…

  • AOL email

    Last week we had some issues with AOL rejecting email from our mailserver due to us allowing too many spam messages to be sent from…

  • Faster Email

    The performance of our email server has been anything but great the past few weeks. To help speed things up we ordered some nice new…

  • AOL rejecting our email

    Last week it appears that AOL put us on their blacklist. That means that any email sent from Gustavus via our default mail server was…

  • Norelius Back Online

    Sunday evening something happened in Norelius that pretty much brought down the entire network. We are not sure exactly what it was. It was still…

  • Email Performance

    Most of you at GAC have probably noticed that this week email has gotten particularly slow. There appears to be a few reasons for this.…